Ax-3 Mission Update Flight Day #15

Crew Status

Today, Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3) Commander Michael López-Alegría, Pilot Walter Villadei, Mission Specialist Alper Gezeravcı, and Mission Specialist Marcus Wandt completed their 12th full day (flight day 15) on the International Space Station (ISS).

Highlights of the Day

The Ax-3 astronauts are starting to prepare for their departure from the space station. The crew had a conference call with the Axiom Space Cargo team to discuss their upcoming pack activities for departure. Mission managers from Axiom Space, SpaceX, and NASA are monitoring weather conditions at the splashdown site off the coast of Florida.


MLA conducted experiment transfer from the Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer (MELFI), Glacier, and Space Automated Bioproduct Lab (SABL) to Polars stowage facilities for Ax-3 return. MLA also supported Villadei in experiment transfer between the SABL and the Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator (MERLIN) cold stowage.

Villadei and Gezeravcı completed the first Ax-3 Dragon packing activities to prepare for undocking.

MLA, Villadei, and Gezeravcı completed the final audio samples for the Vokalkord experiment.

Wandt completed the AstroBit experiment, which contains sensors for acceleration, magnetic field strength, and light. This ESA-led activity is an educational project that helps students understand physics, as well as learn more about computer programming, digital skills development, and critical thinking. 


Wandt recorded an outreach video on how food is prepared, and Gezeravcı recorded a video on electronics in space.

Gezeravcı participated in another Q&A with students from schools affected by the recent earthquakes in Türkiye.


Tomorrow at 8:50 a.m. CT, the Ax-3 crew will be joined by the NASA Expedition 70 crew for a farewell ceremony. The event will be broadcast live on and NASA TV.