Ethical Guidelines for Human Research in Commercial Spaceflight

Ethical Guidelines for Human Research in Commercial Spaceflight

Dr. Lucie Low, Axiom Space’s Chief Scientist is a contributing author in this important paper outlining ethical guidelines needed for human research in commercial spaceflight

Axiom Space's CRO, Tej Bhatia, with the New York Stock Exchange

Axiom Space's CRO, Tej Bhatia, with the New York Stock Exchange

Axiom Space CRO Tejpaul Bhatia joins Trinity Chavez to discuss creating successful business models to sustain life off the planet, and more.

Longer Tables Podcast with Chef José Andrés

Longer Tables Podcast with Chef José Andrés

Astronauts Peggy Whitson and Michael López-Alegría sit down with Chef José Andrés to discuss why investing in space research is so important, how to get paella and other foods to the ISS, and much more.

Peggy Whitson: Her Astronaut Journey and the Future of the Space Industry

Peggy Whitson: Her Astronaut Journey and the Future of the Space Industry

Peggy Whitson, record-breaking astronaut, and director of Human Spaceflight at Axiom Space, spoke at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s 2023 Global Aerospace Summit about her experiences becoming an astronaut.

Spaceflight: Let's Open Up the Frontier

Spaceflight: Let's Open Up the Frontier

Dr. Peggy Whitson, Axiom Space’s Director of Human Spaceflight, discusses the future of human spaceflight and privatized commercial endeavors.

What Will the Next Footprints on the Moon Look Like?

What Will the Next Footprints on the Moon Look Like?

Russell Ralston, our EVA Program Manager, speaks with BBC to hint at what the next footprint on the Moon might reveal.

Veteran Astronaut Peggy Whitson Speaks With NPR on Commanding a Private Company Mission

Veteran Astronaut Peggy Whitson Speaks With NPR on Commanding a Private Company Mission

NPR's Mary Louise Kelly talks with astronaut Peggy Whitson about her most recent trip to space and more private space flights on the horizon.

How a Pilot Stays Mentally Fit in Outer Space

How a Pilot Stays Mentally Fit in Outer Space

Ax-2 Pilot John Shoffner speaks with Men's Heath about his journey to space and how he remains focused and fit throughout his mission.

Live NOW from Fox with "America's Most Experienced Astronaut"

Live NOW from Fox with "America's Most Experienced Astronaut"

"America's Most Experienced Astronaut." Peggy Whitson is the first female commander of a private space mission. Amid her training, Whitson joined LiveNOW from FOX's Josh Breslow with a message for young women who want to explore space travel.